This has a breathtaking effect on not only the populations that rely on the land for sustenance, but also the landscape itself as. Once the fertile land is left sterile it no longer supports anything, and is in danger of being blown away by the prevailing winds.
Many a civilization has fallen by the wayside once the land that they so heavily relied on could no longer sustain them. This is evident in the ruins of once majestic cities & civilizations that were left abandoned and ruined once their populations were forced into mass migration or suffered extinction.
It is necessary to understand that farming is for all intentions and purposes a mining enterprise, where minerals and energy are extracted from the land using plants as the medium.
History shows us that once the land could no longer support a population, that population just picked up and started again somewhere else. They were the lucky ones as they had somewhere else to go. Sadly, we don’t have anywhere else to go!
Even though we don’t have anywhere else to go - we do, however, have technology - and through the means of synthetic fertilizers, chemicals & poisons we have been able to keep maintaining yields till now through the ever increasing use of these technologies - any conventional farmer can confirm that in order to maintain yields they are using more & more every year.
Sick unproductive land obviously has a flow on effect and the agri-barons didn’t take long to realize this. If agriculture was to continue under their stewardship, then changes would have to be made, and made it was.
Today, we have entered a new era of farming where GMO crops have gained dominance. But these GMO crops were not engineered to be more nutrient dense, or more resistant to disease and drought, but rather more resistant to poisons such as glyphosates thereby enabling the farmer to soak his crop in poisons in order to manage weeds.
Regardless of the scientific evidence pointing to the dangers of glyphosate and to the possible links to many diseases that are ravaging the Western World, the 1st of May 2013 was the day that recorded a victory of sorts for the agri-barons when the EPA announced that it was doubling the permissible level of glyphosate used on oilseed crops, and increasing the permissible levels used on food crops many times more again.
One of the problems that the use of poisons raises in the control of living organisms, and specifically in the case of weeds, which are living organisms that have a propensity to live - They develop a tolerance to poisons overtime, thereby requiring more frequent and greater use of poisons. The same applies to pesticides.
Question: What is this doing to our earth? More importantly, what is it doing to us?
We run the danger of straying off the topic by addressing this question but it’s a necessary consideration at this point in time. Worthy of consideration is the fact that in 1970 obesity was a rarity that caused people to stare somewhat in amazement. However, today obesity is so common that it rarely rates a glance. In the past uncommon diseases such as diabetes, cancers of all descriptions, degenerative disorders and alarmingly, childhood diseases, have now become so common that they are considered as common maladies. Childhood diabetes & autism is now skyrocketing. In some cases many of these diseases have increases measured in the thousands of percent. All of the foregoing needs to be considered having regard to the fact that since 1970 the population has only increased by 50 percent. If this is the present then I am in dread of the future
Like we humans plants are a complex living organism, requiring fresh air, water, sunlight and very basic nutrients that are aided by biological activity in the soil. In the plant world that basic food we talk about are minerals & trace elements. These are vital, and it’s from these minerals & trace elements that all other nutrients are formed. This is where ocean water based nutrients are an irreplaceable source of nutrition for both soil, plants, and humanity for it stands alone as the only source on earth that contains every known mineral & trace element of this earth in a balanced & safe solution.
I recently had the great pleasure, along with a number of our US distributors, to sit down with one of the pioneers in agricultural ocean water based nutrients. Ed Hyney was both a friend and associate of the famed Dr. Maynard Murray, and he recalled Dr. Murray’s words of some sixty years ago when he said.
I wish that every seed and every transplant had, when it was planted, all of the nutrients from this planet. That’s the problem we don’t understand, that the plant should have whatever it needs whenever it needs it
These are very powerful words, and now six decades later, there is a growing number of farmers and producers like us who are working with and promoting this powerful source of nutrition – there is no turning back and we are making greater strides every year.
Join us today and prepare for your best season ever